15 easy ways to remove scratches from wood furniture

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Tips and Crafts
Tips and Crafts
Published 5 years ago
15 easy ways to remove scratches from wood furniture
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The wooden furniture is practical and beautiful. Many families opt for this durable and natural material. However, unless a miracle, everyday life, especially with children, will leave marks on all this beautiful furniture. Nicks and scratches will accumulate, giving a tired look to the wood. You can also try on your wood floors!

There are, however, a few tricks you can use to cover up those unsightly marks and reduce the appearance of wear and tear. It may help hang onto your furniture a few years longer.

Here are the best ways to keep your wooden furniture like new:

1. Wax crayons

The wax crayons work well for deep scratches.

  1. Find a crayon that closely matches the color of your furniture or mix colors together by grating part of your crayons in a small bowl.
  2. Place the bowl in a boiling pan of water to melt the wax then drip the wax into the scratch.
  3. Smooth it over with a butter knife.


2. Vinegar and olive oil

Before you make a salad, mix 1/2 cup (125 ml) vinegar and an equal amount of olive oil, then

rub everything on the scratched surface.

Lovin Blog

3. Iodine

If your dark wood furniture has a scratch, you can put iodine on a cotton ball to "paint" it and wipe off the excess with a paper towel.


4. Coffee

You can also use strongly brewed coffee in the same manner to reduce the appearance of damaged wood in dark colored wood. You can also rub the coffee grounds into your scratch with a cotton swab.


5. Walnuts

Walnuts work great for repairing a scratch. Just rub a walnut over your scratch, it will fill the scratch and smooth it. You can also try rubbing some walnut oil on it with a soft cloth.


6. Painting

Apply watercolor or oil-based paint with a paint brush or a cotton swab to hide scratches on your furniture.

Opt for a slightly darker color than the furniture finish and dab it with a brush in the scratch. Note that this method does not work on polyurethane finishes.

YouTube - EliteFRS

7. An eyebrow pencil

You can color small scratches with an oil-based eyebrow pencil.


8. Peanut butter

Rub peanut butter into the large scratches of your wood and leave it there for at least an hour. Then remove the excess and rub to polish and repair the damaged wood.

The Ready Store

9. Petroleum Jelly

Try wiping some petroleum jelly over your scratch and leave it there overnight. This method works to plump up the surrounding wood and fill in the scratch. You can wipe it away and polish your furniture in the morning.


10. Car polish

Lightly polish your wood with car wax to reduce the appearance of scratches. Be careful not to rub away the rest of the furniture’s finish.

Family Handyman

11. Mayonnaise

Cover your scratches with mayonnaise and let it work for two or three days before wiping off excess mayonnaise. The oils in the mayonnaise will plump up the wood and fill up the crack.

Bayou Quilts and Dolls

12. Tea

Infuse a bag of black tea in a cup and a few tablespoons of hot water. Let your tea bag for 2 or 3 minutes. If you leave it in longer your tea will be darker so leave your tea steep based on the color of your furniture.

Use a cotton swab to dab some tea into the crack. Wipe off the excess with a paper towel. You may need more than one application.

Ali Baba

13. Mineral oil and pumice

Make a paste from mineral oil and pumice and use extra-fine-grade steel wood to rub your mixture onto the scratched area. Use a cloth to wipe off the area and buff it with a dry cloth.

YouTube - The Real Milk Paint Co

14. Lemon juice

  1. Mix equal parts of lemon juice and vegetable or olive oil.
  2. Use a lint cloth to rub the scratch in the same direction as the scratch until it disappears.

This works well on small scratches.

Georgia Pellegrini

15. A marker

You can also use a marker that matches your furniture’s surface to hide nicks and scratches.

Home Depot

Source: Home Hacks