Do a final cleaning of the weeds before the arrival of the cold: kill them all in one night!

All you have to do is sweep the weeds the next day!

Tips and Crafts
Tips and Crafts
Published 6 years ago
Do a final cleaning of the weeds before the arrival of the cold: kill them all in one night!

Colder temperature of the fall slow down the apparition of weeds, and it's time to do a final cleaning. After that, the front of the house will be clean for autumn and winter!

This weed killer is completely natural and kills weeds in one day.

Mix 2 cups of vinegar and ½ cup of Epsom salt in a spray bottle.

Generously sprinkle weeds with this mixture.

The next day, weeds will be dead and will be easy to tear off.

All you have to do is pull and sweep them off. [pub]

Source: Hometalk