Safe tips to pick up broken glass: collect everything, without forgetting anything!

How do you make sure there are no small pieces of glass on the floor?

Tips and Crafts
Tips and Crafts
Published 6 years ago
Safe tips to pick up broken glass: collect everything, without forgetting anything!

I have ceramics in the kitchen, so when I get a pot, a glass or a cup, two things happen: the glass is in a thousand pieces and there are pieces everywhere, even in the dining room.

I am always afraid of forgetting a broken glass: the risk of injury is real until you have picked up every bits, even more if there are children at home or if you walk barefoot.

Use the broom and a dustpan as you normally do to pick up the biggest pieces and everything you can see. Never use a sweeper as sharp pieces will pierce the dust bag and may injure you when it is time to replace it.

Then grab a slice of fresh bread and squeeze it on the floor or on the countertop to pick up any small broken glass. They will adhere to the bread without hurting yourself.

A potato or other root vegetable cut in 2 could do the same job: the soft surface will retain the broken glass.

Some wet paper towels will also gather all glass fragments that may be concealed in a carpet or other surface. [pub]

Source: WikiHow