She had enough of the mess in her Tupperware drawer. Her trick settles everything!

A really practical solution because it can be adapted infinitely!

Tips and Crafts
Tips and Crafts
Published 6 years ago
She had enough of the mess in her Tupperware drawer. Her trick settles everything!
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Do you want to say goodbye to dishes and plastic lids stacked/thrown anyway because you've never found the right storage method?

Have you thought of using a holed panel and dowel?

The big advantage of this way of doing this is that you can change the wooden pegs of space to enlarge or shrink a storage space.

A panel with holes like this one offers all the flexibility you need on a daily basis! We need more space, we move a few dowels and that's it!

Watch this short video to understand the arrangement. It's simple and brilliant, you'll love it! [Pub]

In this example, she uses a holed panel and dowels in a drawer, but it would also be good in a cabinet or on a shelf.