Stop the pain caused by jellyfish stings with this simple trick.

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Tips and Crafts
Tips and Crafts
Published 3 years ago
Stop the pain caused by jellyfish stings with this simple trick.
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Have you just even been bitten by a jellyfish? Then you know it can quite hurt! But do you know how to relieve pain quickly? 

No, you should not put tap water or mineral water on the bite! Why ? Because the softer pH of fresh water will cause the release of even more irritating toxins. Fortunately, there is a natural and effective remedy to stop the pain of a jellyfish sting. 

The trick is to pour white vinegar directly over it! Easy, effective and inexpensive! 


  • 250 ml of white vinegar
  •  an identity card or a credit card 


1. Use the card to scrape and remove any tentacles hanging on the skin. 

2. Pour the pure white vinegar over the sting of the jellyfish. 

3. Continue to pour vinegar on the skin until the pain stops. 

And there you go ! The white vinegar stopped the pain of the sting of jellyfish. This trick also prevents itching and burning due to the "poison" that the tentacles might leave on the skin. You should always go out with a small bottle of white vinegar in your bag, even at the beach! ;-) 

Why does it work? 

White vinegar neutralizes the toxins in the poison and prevents it from releasing more poison. You will feel the burn less as well as the itching and scarring too. As white vinegar disinfects naturally, there is no risk of secondary infection. 

However, if you experience slight paralysis of the muscles around the bite, back pain, difficulty breathing or a hives attack, consult a doctor quickly. Indeed, certain species of jellyfish can be very toxic!

You can enjoy your day at the beach now!