You can create a moon garden that will bloom at night.

It will give a magical touch to your garden!

Tips and Crafts
Tips and Crafts
Published 2 years ago
You can create a moon garden that will bloom at night.
YouTube | pAnty mYthon

Have you heard about moon gardens? They are gardens that are designed specifically to highlight nocturnal plants and meant to be appreciated at moonlight! 

These plants show up better on nights with lunar lighting without having to use a ton of artificial light. Moon gardens don't need to only be planted in a large garden, you can simply design a little flowerbed! Simply keep in mind to pick a site that is easy to access at night.

Think about the deck, patio, porch or even a large window where you will be able to enjoy the sights, sound and beautiful smells of your moon garden. And of course, the most important thing: select an area where the plants will be exposed to moonlight!

You can basically plant these four types of plants:

  • Plants with white flowers
  • Plants with bright foliage
  • Night bloomers
  • Plants with fragrant blooms

Here are some ideas to inspire you! 

1. Evening Primrose

2. Moonflower

3. Datura

4. Mock Orange

5. Night Blooming Jasmine

6. Casa Blanca Lily

7. Evening Stock

8. Angel Trumpets

Here is what the final result could look like! Lovely, isn't it? 




Will you plant a magical garden this summer?