You will not have to scratch your windows in cold weather !!

A quick effective tip, and so simple !!

Tips and Crafts
Tips and Crafts
Published 6 years ago
You will not have to scratch your windows in cold weather !!

Raise your hand if you've never had to go out in your pajamas to start your car in the cold Siberian, or if you've never left your starter remotely 3-4 times to be certain that your windshield will be defrosted when it's time to leave?

When it's very cold, nobody wants to wait in their car for many minutes until the windshield is defrosted. Nobody wants to have to go out the window to see forwards ...

Nobody likes to scratch the car windows so vigorously that we get sweaty in our winter coat ... Know that there is a simple solution, but especially fast! The best part of all this is that we have all the ingredients at home!

You need a spray bottle, one part water, and 2 parts rubbing alcohol. You can leave this solution in your car; it will not freeze because of alcohol that has a freezing point much lower than water!

Ladies and gentlemen, ready steady spray!

Source: YouTube